Do resumo do conjunto de dados
A sketch of a typical wastewater treatment system that provides primary treatment (e.g., settling or clarification) plus secondary biological treatment (activated sludge) and tertiary...
Informação adicional
Campo | Valor |
Data last updated | 7 de Agosto, 2020 |
Metadata last updated | 4 de Julho, 2020 |
Data de criação | 4 de Julho, 2020 |
Formato | application/json |
Licença | Creative Commons Attribution |
created | Há mais de 4 anos |
format | JSON |
has views | True |
id | d4d4214b-9059-44ce-8d2e-f893632b92ff |
last modified | Há mais de 4 anos |
mimetype | application/json |
on same domain | True |
package id | 678bdf70-418b-403f-a989-04a86eb9862e |
resource type | JSON |
revision id | 5fae8276-cb44-4adc-b9ed-d49e16795c2d |
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state | active |
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