5 số bộ dữ liệu tìm thấy

Giấy phép: Giấy phép bản quyền mở Định dạng: JSON Nhóm: Sketcher templates

Kết quả lọc
  • Tertiary Biological Treatment

    A sketch of a typical wastewater treatment system that provides primary treatment (e.g., settling or clarification) plus secondary biological treatment (activated sludge) and...
  • Waste Stabilization Pond System (overloaded)

    This is an example of an optimal waste stabilization pond system, consisting of a 1-day, 3-m deep anaerobic pond followed by a 3-day, 1.5-m deep facultative pond, with treatment...
  • Waste Stabilization Pond System (optimal)

    This is an example of an optimal waste stabilization pond system, consisting of a 5-day, 3-m deep anaerobic pond, a 15-day, 1.5-m deep facultative pond, and a 20-day, 1-m deep...
  • Secondary Biological Treatment

    A sketch of a typical wastewater treatment system that provides primary treatment (e.g., settling or clarification) plus secondary biological treatment (activated sludge), with...
  • Primary Treatment

    A sketch of a typical wastewater treatment system that provides primary treatment only (e.g., settling or clarification), with sludge treated in a drying bed for 180 days.
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