

Από τη σύνοψη του συνόλου δεδομένων

This dataset comprises: Data on sanitation in Kampala from the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Data on wastewater treatment in Kampala from the National Water and Sewerage...

Πηγή : Kampala divisions

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Λήψη πόρου

Λεξικό Δεδομένων

Στήλη Τύπος Ετικέτα Περιγραφή
iso numeric
gid text
iso3 text
subarea text
hdi numeric
population numeric
fraction_urban_pop numeric
fraction_pop_under5 numeric
sheddingRate_virus numeric
shedding_duration_virus numeric
incidence_urban_under5_virus numeric
incidence_urban_5plus_virus numeric
incidence_rural_under5_virus numeric
incidence_rural_5plus_virus numeric
sheddingRate_protozoa numeric
shedding_duration_protozoa numeric
incidence_urban_under5_protozoa numeric
incidence_urban_5plus_protozoa numeric
incidence_rural_under5_protozoa numeric
incidence_rural_5plus_protozoa numeric
flushSewer_urb numeric
flushSeptic_urb numeric
flushPit_urb numeric
flushOpen_urb numeric
flushUnknown_urb numeric
pitSlab_urb numeric
pitNoSlab_urb numeric
compostingToilet_urb numeric
bucketLatrine_urb numeric
containerBased_urb numeric
hangingToilet_urb numeric
openDefecation_urb numeric
other_urb numeric
coverBury_urb numeric
sewageTreated_urb numeric
fecalSludgeTreated_urb numeric
isWatertight_urb numeric
hasLeach_urb numeric
emptyFrequency_urb numeric
pitAdditive_urb numeric
urine_urb numeric
twinPits_urb numeric
onsiteDumpedland_urb numeric
flushSewer_rur numeric
flushSeptic_rur numeric
flushPit_rur numeric
flushOpen_rur numeric
flushUnknown_rur numeric
pitSlab_rur numeric
pitNoSlab_rur numeric
compostingToilet_rur numeric
bucketLatrine_rur numeric
containerBased_rur numeric
hangingToilet_rur numeric
openDefecation_rur numeric
other_rur numeric
coverBury_rur numeric
sewageTreated_rur numeric
fecalSludgeTreated_rur numeric
isWatertight_rur numeric
hasLeach_rur numeric
emptyFrequency_rur numeric
pitAdditive_rur numeric
urine_rur numeric
twinPits_rur numeric
onsiteDumpedland_rur numeric
FractionPrimarytreatment numeric
FractionSecondarytreatment numeric
FractionTertiarytreatment numeric
FractionPonds numeric
fRemoval_treatment_virus numeric
fRemoval_treatment_protozoa numeric
fEmitted_inEffluent_after_treatment_virus numeric
fEmitted_inEffluent_after_treatment_protozoa numeric

Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

Πεδίο Τιμή
Προσφάτως ενημερωμένα δεδομένα Αύγουστος 3, 2020
Προσφάτως ενημερωμένα μεταδεδομένα Ιούλιος 13, 2020
Δημιουργήθηκε Ιούλιος 13, 2020
Διαμόρφωση text/csv
Άδεια Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)
createdπάνω από 4 έτη πριν
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedπάνω από 4 έτη πριν
on same domainTrue
package idc4a395f1-5e48-4109-b02f-951b8be89275
revision id6b61c826-ac7e-4b0f-ae93-cfbc0d2f74a7
size4 KiB
url typeupload