جدولة البيانات
Jinja Kirinya
This system is located in the central region of Uganda, within the town of Jinja, close to the shores of Lake Victoria. The treatment plant receives sewage and fecal sludge. The... -
Pathogen Flow and Mapping Tool Input Files
These are CSV files that will be used as inputs for the Pathogen Flow and Mapping Tool. -
JMP Assumptions
This CSV file contains assumptions used in the Pathogen Flow Tool about the different onsite sanitation technologies. Specifically, it tells the code whether or not to assume... -
Waste Stabilization Pond System (overloaded)
This is an example of an optimal waste stabilization pond system, consisting of a 1-day, 3-m deep anaerobic pond followed by a 3-day, 1.5-m deep facultative pond, with treatment... -
Waste Stabilization Pond System (optimal)
This is an example of an optimal waste stabilization pond system, consisting of a 5-day, 3-m deep anaerobic pond, a 15-day, 1.5-m deep facultative pond, and a 20-day, 1-m deep... -
Example Onsite Data
This is an example of an onsite sanitation dataset that can be used with the getLoadings function from the pathogenflows package in R (https://mverbyla.github.io/pathogenflows/) -
Thermal Disinfection
Dataset compiled through systematic literature review published in: Espinosa, M.F., Costa, N., Mendoza, L., Mota Filho, C.R., Verbyla, M.E. (2020). Systematic review and...