S1 - Business as usual - Inputs

URL: http://data.waterpathogens.org/dataset/ff9f764b-2fb7-4dbc-80e6-85d76cee3bb2/resource/efcfa2d9-c870-43bb-80e6-a7c0dcef33dc/download/s1-business-as-usual-inputs.csv

The ‘business as usual’ scenario provides rotavirus emissions on an average day for approximately the year 2030 in a scenario in which only the population increases.

  • Rotavirus incidence is constant over the country and the same as in 2015.

  • Urban and rural population increases by 58%, according to ... Dan?.

  • Use of sanitation types (fraction of the population connected to a sewer or practicing open defecation) are the same as in 2015.

  • Treatment fractions are the same as for 2015. Treatment efficiency does not improve.

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Поле Величина
Data last updated 6 Май 2020
Метаданные обновлены 6 Май 2020
Создано 6 Май 2020
Формат text/csv
Лицензия License not specified
createdбольше 4 лет назад
has viewsTrue
last modifiedбольше 4 лет назад
on same domainTrue
package idff9f764b-2fb7-4dbc-80e6-85d76cee3bb2
revision idd2170e87-e37e-48ab-8413-213a3e52f6e1
size15,3 KiB
url typeupload